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Fractalline Healing





Fractalline Healing

Fractalline Healing is a multi-level, multi-dimensional healing system that you can access  through altering your brainwaves and your states of consciousness. Using the system offers opportunities for you to heal yourself and others, increase energy, connect with guidance, set powerful intentions, and bring forward knowledge from your soul. It is a location within the quantum field of unlimited possibilities, however, it is accessed through a deeply grounded meditative state. Any healings, shifts, or downloads that occur in this space happen within the physical body as we have remained fully connected with our body whilst exploring the system.


Fractalline Healing was born of the need for a sacred location in the quantum realms of unlimited possibilities—one location in time and space to which everyone can bring and develop their entire spiritual and healing toolkit.

What is Fractalline Healing?

Fractalline Healing is a heart-centered healing and self-exploration system. It is gentle yet extremely powerful and transformational. 

Fractalline Healing will take you slowly and gently through exercises to bring you back to your empowered, creative self. From this place, life becomes simple, joyful, and fulfilling. We will show you how you can help to heal yourself—whether that be mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical healing. We welcome you on this path of great healing with open arms and with all of our Love. You are always accepted just as you are, and we commend you for simply showing up. Now onto the fun! Remember, healing needn’t be painful nor difficult … It can be, but we try to remember that healing can always be done through lightness and play. It is all in our perspective.

~ Collective Consciousness of Ascended Masters

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The Structure

Fractalline Healing can be envisaged as a Rainbow Diamond Plasma Grid encoded with Light Language and Light Codes. Think of it as a beautiful, multi-faceted fractal system with a grid-like structure. The structure itself can be thought of as Rainbow-Diamond-Plasma—a very high frequency energy displaying the depth of every potential color vibration. Massive downloads and activations for humanity lie within this plasma system. Fractalline Healing activates both RNA and DNA, and restructures blood platelets to carry more information on new levels. This is a technology which will prove to be an asset for navigating the new 5-dimensional world: The New Heaven on Earth. 

What Can You Do in Fractalline Healing?
  • Align your Chakras

  • Align your Physical Body and Etheric Body

  • Connect with your Higher Self

  • Connect with your Soul

  • Discover your Gifts and Talents

  • Heal on All Levels of the Being

  • Integrate Higher Consciousness

  • Meet with Spirit Guides and loved ones

  • Raise your Vibration

There are four levels in total. The first two levels are the most in-depth, the third will be much less, and the fourth less than the third. The deeper we go, the more “personal” the experience. We will offer all four levels, so you know how to navigate them all!

What Can You Do in Fractalline Healing?
  • Release Emotions

  • Release Low Vibrational Energy

  • Release Thought Forms

  • Shadow Work

  • Soul Retrieval

  • Work with Ascended Masters

  • Work with Dragons (and other magical beings)

  • Work with Light Codes

  • ​And more…


Become a Student

Learn Fractalline Healing at our next online event!

Receive Healing

Book a one-on-one session with Laara now!

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